Post by Carlotta on Jan 5, 2008 14:05:48 GMT -5
The coming of night brought with it the increased winds that drifted inland from the sea. Tonight, however, the usual frigid nature clung not to the gusts that passed, though was far from the splendor of spring, as the chill remained yet. As many headed home, the market would increase with it's activity. Last minute purchases before calling it a night, or making way the brawly taverns that littered the area. Many to seek drink, and others that night of debauchery to sait their loins. It was also a time when the darker minions of humanity would take to the streets; thieves, murders, kidnappers ... many simply called them pirates for short. Vendors were shouting out to the passing crowds, staking claims their items were top quality for little coin. One thing can be said about a port market area, here almost anything could be gained; for the right price. This would be one of the areas she'd always visit before heading to the King's Ale House, or home. Looking over the wears offered from afar, although brief would be her attention on bobbles and cloth. Books, always the books that drew her attention forth, as it had again at this moment. Though, not just a typical novel or the like, all information she sought had to do with the Church, laws, and information about certain lands that had gained her attention as of late. The book presently in hand, was one written about the Emperor Called Charles, or more so his family history in which he's been mentioned; making the book written after his birth. Slowly she thumbed through the pages, judging whether the leather bound volume would be an asset to her present study and cause.
Not entirely sure why, though Rhiannon had ventured forth from the warmth of castle walls to stretch her legs. Like a bird from a gilded cage she wrapped herself in the warmest feathers she could find, that of course being her winter cloak, and decided the markets were calling her name. The air was much more brisk outside than it had been in the past few days. Clouds overhead blotted the stars from view and threatened of more snow. Though most had melted there seemed to be a crunch to the ground as feet settled upon the land. She'd been asked if she required a carriage and had resolutely turned the idea away as she seemed to need the walk. Bringing her hood up against the slight breeze she headed toward the dockside markets. Once approaching she could see a bustle of activity and with a resigned sigh she plunged her way into the crowd. Stopping at this or that cart, taking in the make of a few bolts of cloth she began her scavenger hunt as she thought to call it. Nothing she really needed but much she found appealing, she too found the book cart and took notice of the woman that perused the piles. Glancing her way she offered a warm smile. "My Lady...." A greeting of respect as she found a volume less appealing than the one the other held and began looking through the pages. (d)
The greeting from the woman who now stood at her side would have focus upon the pages of script redirect upon her. The polite and kind nature of her smile would greet the woman first. "Evening to you as well." Spoken loud enough for the woman to hear her over the shouts of not only the vendors, but the crowd. Glance over at the book the woman had chosen "You don't look the type that would be tied to a kitchen, if I may be so bold." Taking note of the volume of recopies from various chefs. Although, she knew a particular Frenchman who might have interest in that, but she wasn't even sure if the man could read. The volume in hand would be closed and tucked beneath her arm, as she found the contents to quite helpful to what she was needing. While awaiting the woman's response, she'd take to glancing over the other titles that rested before them and was quick to snag one that had large silver cross of Celtic design upon its cover. How she found that nearly a laughable thing, for the Church persecuted the Celts as being pagans and heretics, yet they utilize their art to incorporate with that of their religious icons. This would now be opened to glance through the pages, it would seem it spoke of the Holy Order, its rankings and positions of power. Now this was something that definitely captivated her attention.
The words of the Lady at her side brought laughter and she nodded momentarily. "No, you are right I'm not one for the kitchens but it's a gift for my cook. Christmas sadly passed me by what with my own studies and I failed to get things for a few people that mean most to me. I am sorry I should have introduced myself at least, sometimes my manners fail me." Turning toward her she curtseyed just as the woman chose the book with the cross embossed upon it and spoke her name. "Rhiannon Kendrick, Duchess of Suffolk...it's a pleasure my Lady." It was interesting and very comforting to find another that seemed to enjoy the fine works of literature. Not many women took it upon themselves to hold such interest. Standing fully again she glanced to the book and nodded slightly. "You have an interest in religion?" Both hands now gripped the recipe book as she'd decided to purchase it for her cook, it had a large variety of dishes created from afar and would likely come in handy at gatherings, plush she was sure the elder woman would be delighted. Rhiannon treated the people that attended her kindly, it was likely why she had no high turnover in servants. (d)
Post by Carlotta on Jan 5, 2008 14:06:21 GMT -5
"HALT, HAAAllllTTT!"-The words were exclaimed as a young lad ran through the crowd with a most agile grace and dexterity. Weaving and darting amongst the people twice his size, even once or twice he'd notably dive between someone’s parted legs. A short distance behind the darting lad was a man who looked to be of Spaniard descent. His long mane of sable black locks bounced in their looseness upon the cloak at his back. The hood capturing most of the thick tail as it as well bounced to the rhythm of his demanding boots below that clapped upon the England streets ground almost as quickly as that of a steed with his enraged sense of visage and voice that was loosed, bellowing over the heads of those who were in the markets that day. A gloved fist was in the air to declare who it was that was making all the demanding commotion. The black fist contrasting against the cleansed white sleeve that puffed out at his wrist, and bellowed out from a bracer at forearm where velvet streaks traced the length of his arm in a few lines to become entombed in the vestion that clung wroughtly to the broadness of his built physique. At his side people he passed by would become weary of the duo blades that were bound together at the sheath and attached upon his belt. One a rapier, the other a Spaniard long sword. There was of course an obliging dagger on the other side of his belt. Unfortunately there was something missing on that wide length of leather. A money pouch.-d-
With the woman's introduction, the book was slowly closed and added to the heft of the first. Turning now to face the woman, her smile grew somewhat more in finding another scholar of gender. She too would offer a bit of a curtsy to the fellow noble. "A pleasure indeed Duchess. I am Carlotta Basinstoke, Barrister to the King." This was a title she offered proudly, for a woman to claim such was a rarity as it was. Not that the position came by easy, as so many wagging tongues liked to proclaim, she worked harder than all others to prove her worth. Standing with a smile. "What sort of studies are you involved in?" Glancing to the book, then a sheepish smile to the woman. "Yes, I'm in process of learning the differences in the nature of the Church verses State. The laws, hierarchy of positions, and how they meld together." Simple and truthful enough answer, without exposing her true cause. It would be the uproar not far that gained her attention next, to see a man chasing a lad through the streets. She had to softly chuckle, seeing the young whelp outrun and maneuver the man. Inwardly, and secretly, she was cheering the boy on to make his escape. Glance back to the Rhiannon. "Never a dull moment in the market place." Said with a chuckle just as she felt herself get bumped, then the cool rush of air that entered beneath skirts. Eyes widen, even more she felt those cold hands upon her calves. It would seem the boy was using her skirt and cloak as a place to hide. So very still she remained and a soft cough as she attempted to recover. Thank goodness she wore leggings beneath those layers of skirts tonight, or this could be quite embarrassing indeed.
"Oh.. nothing near as important as you are I'm sure, just social status and the affects of such. I guess you could say I study people?" She laughed lightly and dropped her arms so that the book was loosely clasped in front of her and caught the title quite easily already she was thinking that she just might need her someday. The truth was Edward Cunningham the Duke of York was being ousted and looked upon for the possible murder of his own wife and Rhiannon believed completely in his innocence, her own studies revolved around finding clues that could possibly exonerate him should it ever come to trial. "Well I must say it is indeed a pleasure to meet you Lady Basinstoke... I..." She use ships for that purpose." There was a smile on her face that she could not help because the situation was becoming quite humorous. However she did look toward the place the man had been running and wondered if he'd taken notice of where his thief had gone. (d)
-It was rather difficult to keep a direct eye on the lil thief. The crowds movement though, made it easier to trace such movement as they would, like a wave, ripple away from the rushing child. Some individuals even made gestures here and there, the vendors in particular. The vendors themselves loaaathhed the thieves since they were one of the main targets of thievery themselves. It was thus that Corothius' tracking would pause as two well dressed ladies were standing before a vendor of books. Eyes would narrow as his breath would begin to ease back into his lungs from the air that it had so been exhumed into behind him. Those suede gloved fists returning to his hips in fists as a thumb would trace the steel embedded with gold enscribering hilts of the rapier at his side. A lip was tugged in as these two beautiful women were given a look-see over. There of course, was nothing else to do at the moment, and those rather appealing emotions that women drew from deep within him..and well, rather lower on his physique, persuaded him to join them at the bookstand. If nothing more than to gain the knowledge of their aromas. Some women held rather mesmerizing scents, especially when they grew rather...hot. When he'd speak, his tongue would roll about with the words, playing the syllables about with that Spaniard tongue. His eyes of course, feasting greedily upon whatever cleavage this day and age's dress' would allow him to prey upon.-"Ahem..good evening ladies, how fares your shopping this eve?"-d-
Post by Carlotta on Jan 5, 2008 14:06:55 GMT -5
She had heard of the Dukes ill fate, from more than one source, even the gossip of it being by his hand to take on his lover. A slowblink as focus was upon the woman, she could feel the heat upon her cheeks starting to rise. It would then be the arrival of the man that gained her attention next. Poor man, she was adorned in that heavy cloak, thus no cleavage shown here. Quickly she'd recover and offer him a polite smile. "Good evening, MiLord. I must say it's been a fruitful visit." Trying to maintain her stance with the movement of the child beneath her skirts. "Seems you are having an active evening." Holding those books low to try and hide the movement of skirts.
At this point, for Lia and Aiden, it was a waiting game. They'd made port, secured lodgings and had yet to present themselves to the Royal Court. Catching the scene playing out before them, Lia smothered the amused gleam and nudged Aiden softly with her elbow, in order to garner his attention. It seemed several of the nobles had gathered, for whatever reason, and a thief of no importance whatsoever had taken refuge underneath one Lady's skirts. It would be interesting to see exactly how this scene played out, and if they could use it to their advantage.
Instantly upon seeing the man approach she chose to act as though nothing at all was amiss and one might say she even moved a bit closer to Carlotta as though to help shield the child from possible mishap. "Evening my Lord... our shopping seems to be going quite well but I must say you are a bit out of breath yourself. Is there something wrong?" Sinking into another graceful curtsey, before he could answer she gave her name. "I am the Duchess Rhiannon Kendrick of Suffolk and my companion is Lady Carlotta Basinstoke... the King's Barrister." Rising yet again she still kept her purchase upon the recipe book, both hands clinging a bit harder now and it would seem if she pressed any more the letters might melt and run like liquid from the pages to fall upon the cobblestone below. There was no doubt the accoster of this man was quite young and she'd hate to see him come to harm even if he was a petty thief. Sue her for having a soft heart where youth was concerned. Taking in the way he presented himself she could not help but notice his almost desirable gaze and immediately guessed he'd be a man of great interest where the ladies were concerned. The accent no doubt Spanish and it was this that caused her to be interested. Another one for the books perhaps? (d)
-A few more men, not his, merely vigilantes who had followed the occurrence this far down the street arrived a moment or three after he stepped up to the vendor. Seeing that he no longer was giving chase, they took it upon themselves to head further down the street to look for the sprouting lad. Meanwhile, Corothius would nod to the lady with a warming smile. Though the hindering of her cloak led his lips into a slight length of narrowness as he had nothing save the intricate beauty of their dress's weavings, and beauty of their features to look upon thenceforward. It though, was perhaps mores suitable for the courts, whereas here, upon the streets, many a drunkard would be given such a sight of two duchess' of such high rank...perhaps it was an honor of a sort, or show of respect? The English cultures were known to some degree nonetheless. The taller man would thus most gracefully stoop at his waist in a relinquishing bow before them. He nearly coming below her knees in the bow's deepness before he'd rise back up. Fortunately the boy had remained completely still at that moment, and not a sign of movement was traced. The dress though, was in some apparent disarray at the bottom of it, in a way that was not normally logical for a woman who walked to a vendor...and was now facing such a direction.-"It is an honor to meet two such high officials of the English courts. I am Lord Corothius Encinosa, acting ambassador from Spain. I am out here today to tend to some mercantile affairs upon one of our ships. Unfortunately my..coinpurse was stolen by a young chap of a lad..do tell me, do they cut off the left hand's here as they do in Desert cities? I heard they even practice such upon the youth.."-d-
Post by Carlotta on Jan 5, 2008 14:07:18 GMT -5
Turning his attention from the crisp red apple in his hand, his dark blue eyes wandered to the commotion noted by Lia. She had convinced him to drag himself from bed, even though it was the first real rest he had taken since fleeing Venice. The stolen waist coat and trousers were thankfully a perfect fit and lent him just the airs of Nobility such fashions afforded those who had the means. He also had the talent to hide his Scottish birth, as an actor it came naturally. Dabbing at his lips quickly with the back of his hand, he swallowed down the apple before speaking close to her ear. "Cut off hands indeed...he should try the Turks." He could not suppress the grin that came with his own jest, and he chuckled low into his pretend sisters ear. (d)
"A pleasure MiLord Encinosa." That name sounded strangely familiar, one she had heard before but just couldn't place the when and where. No curtsy could she offer, that would definitely make the present position more embarrassing than it was at the present moment. A glance cast towards the hunting men, then back upon the Spaniard as his comment about the removal of one's hand caused her to cough slightly, even paled a little bit. She knew quite well of such punishments, that was still in practice within many lands. "I fear I'd not stand by to watch a child lose a limb, just because he's trying to feed himself or his family." Bold her words maybe, but those who came to know her, would come to learn the Irish woman was feisty indeed and spoke her mind often. She felt the grip on her legs tighten, as well as the sound of a gasp come from between her legs. The threat had frightened the child, that was evident by his hold. She would cough again, hoping to cover that gasping from the man's hearing. "Just how much was within your purse MiLord?" Perhaps if she offered to repay his loses, he'd forget about the child.
A soft, distracted nod met Aiden's words, as her full lips pursed in thought. Whenever she readily agreed with him, she wasn't really listening. "Come, Aiden. You must take me over there at once." Ever since stepping foot on English soil, Lia had adhered strictly to the code of ethics demanded of Ladies, despite the fact that to do so set her teeth secretly on edge. Now, ice blue eyes found her faux brother's darker profile. He had yet to full understand the nature of the game they played, but...he was so lovely. She sighed softly. "We need to introduce ourselves."
Completely had she forgotten about the fact that with the boy hiding beneath Carlotta's skirts she could not curtsey and so readily she made something up that would perhaps suffice so as not for the absence of such to seem odd. "Her knees, my Lord.. they are quite bad with the weather the way it is and it positively pains her to bend them." A glance to Carlotta as she spoke and her face as well had turned quite pale with the thoughts of the poor lads hands being removed over a coin purse. Glancing down slightly so as not to be noticed she could see the skirts wiggling again and moved closer still to Carlotta. "Yes... how much?" She too would give at least half if need be in order to compensate him and save the boy from injury or worse. Her eyes staying upon him she kept her stance and offered still another smile as though to try and distract him as much as possible from the.. layers of cloth. Oh, how she did wish the child would be still. (d)
Taking another bite, He frowned at her beckoning. Resisting the urge to speak with his mouth full, he again put the back of his hand to his lips while he painfully swallowed down the large bite. "Introduce ourselves? Are you sick with fever woman? Shouldn't we let them come to us this time, draw as little attention as possible? Or have you forgotten, our world has gotten quite small?" He looked back to the women and Spaniard cautiously. He had to admit, the English women in the market have been quite easy on the eyes despite what the barman in the German Tavern had said.
Post by Carlotta on Jan 5, 2008 14:07:47 GMT -5
-Upon rising from the bow, he did not obtain any scents from the woman’s' skirts that my have arisen from his joined company. It was thus, that he decided she was not viably the sort to be turned on by him, and in the same, not one he would flirt with. His eyes thus narrowed as both women then joined in upon the questioning as to what his wealth was all of a sudden. His brows thus tightened all the more with paranoid fury. He though, would then lean in towards the barrister, and gently pull at one of the books, to guide it in twisting around, and in the same to give him a reason for looking straight at her dress which the other women scooted even closer to. Perceptibly, he could presume she wanted to be as close to him as Carlotta was...which drew a egotistical curl to his lips as he thus became a lil more full of himself. The books though were attempted to be examined to decipher the names on them.-"You ask me such because you are in need of more coins to purchase some books for you? I give m'word there was enough to do so, yet unless you both are going to invite me to some tea to compensate I do not see how else you would repay me...I have heard many tales from m'visiting countrymen as to what happens when tea is shared.."-A rumbling chuckle awoke from within the depths of his chest to such an teasing humor. -d-
When the books were being pulled from her hands, a blink as she glanced over to Rhiannon, then back to the Spanish Lord. He would find one book was on the history of the family of the Emperor Charles V, and the other writings on the hierarchy of the Church. A deep breath taken as she tried to remain still where she stood, and due to this, when he came closer to examine those books, very close were they indeed. She had to do something to keep his attention above the waist, and she knew exactly what to do. "I swear, I do believe it's getting warmer out tonight." Hand lifted to fan her face slowly, other hand moved to open that cloak enough to give the man a good view of what he wanted to see. Guarantee he would never be able to recite what color her eyes were when she was done. A deep breath taken, as if a sigh of relief. "Much better." Such a pretty smile to form now, perfect in it's showing, a stage actress she could have been herself. "Perhaps it was the mention of tea?" Glance towards Rhiannon then, and did that devilment appear for the woman to see in it's brief showing? Back to the Spanish Lord attention returned. "I'm sure you'd just love to wrap your lips around some crumpets, wouldn't you MiLord?" Oh yes, highly suggestive were those words, and stated for that purpose. Yes, the Barrister knew when bad was good, and good was bad.
Narrowed eyes, the ice blue of them barely visible through the thick dark curtain of lashes, pinned the Scot where he stood. "I am well aware of how small our world has gotten." The words emerged as a huffy whisper, through gritted teeth. "How else to you propose to correct that, without assistance? Really Aiden. I do wish you would think ...before..you speak." She shook her head, lifting her skirts high in one hand as she stepped out onto the street without the benefit of an escort. If the man was afraid, then she would handle the situation on her own. Almost with a decided purpose, she moved to where the Lord stood now with both Ladies. A consummate actress for many years, she could flush on command; combine that with a small pant, and voila! Instant importance. "Milord. I do believe the men who followed you have captured your thief.." The words came with a gesture in the vague direction of left, blue eyes guiless and wide. It paid to know when to make friends.
The audacity of the Spaniard Ambassador astounded her to the point she could barely speak at all. Staring at him as though he had two heads she glanced over at Carlotta and tried sublimely to keep that liberal tongue of hers still. Listening to the reaction of Carlotta she took her cue and sought to make things right as well. "Yes.. indeed crumpets and tea after all it was in our markets that you lost your coin and you being a foreign diplomat of course we could show you a bit of compensation by way of English hospitality. What say you perhaps meet us at the King's Alehouse in about an hours time... besides I'm sure that you'll not find your thief now. They have a tendency to vanish quite quickly." Though as she said this another Lady joined them and seemed to be intent upon helping as well. Her gaze swung toward the new arrival and she curtsied in that respectful way yet again. "My Lady.." Waiting now to see if the Encinosa would take the well provided bait she kept her place and releasing the book with one hand tried to become slightly more relaxed. (d)
Hearing the man's pitiful attempt, he scoffed and rolled his eyes. Were these really the caliber of Noblemen he was trying to emulate? Looking back to Lia, he took in the note of annoyance. He was sure she was getting tired of fleeing in the night, taking only the clothes on their backs. This time however, it would be different, the plan could not fail if they were cautious. With a slight growl to Lia's retreating back, he threw caution to the wind and followed her closely. A dark blond brow rose at the smooth lie she told to the gathered party and he could not stop the slight smirk that he hoped was hidden from the Spanish gentleman.